Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Middle Pillar Exercise

A very powerful and effective daily ritual/exercise for activating the five psychic centers of the Middle Pillar in the body. In ways, it resembles the arousing of chakras, but follows the Kabbalistic pattern, and the concept of Light descending and then circulating. Each center is visualized as a sphere of colored light about six inches across one at a time, and then its God Name vibrated four times. After all five centers are established, then currents of energy are visualized rising internally from the base and then descending externally to enter again to energize the aura.

The exercise is preceded by the Kabbalistic Cross and the Lesser Banish Ritual of the Pentagram in the following complete sequence.

Kabbalistic Cross:

Standing, feet together, facing east, and using the right hand:

Touch the forehead and say/vibrate ATOH (Thou Art)

Bring the hand down to the groin area and say/vibrate MALKUTH (the Kingdom)

Touch the right shoulder, and say/vibrate VE-GEBURAH (and the Power)

Touch the left shoulder, and say/vibrate VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory)

Clasping both hands on the breast, say/vibrate LE OLAHM AMEN (forever, Amen)

Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram:

Face east. Stretch out right hand  pointing with index finger and trace a banishing earth pentagram in visualized white light. “Stab it” in the center, and Vibrate YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH.

Turn south, with hand and finger still extended while visualizing a line of white light, then trace another pentagram of white light and stab it in the center, and vibrate AH-DOH-NAI.

Turn west, with hand and finger still extended and visualizing a line of white light, trace another pentagram of light and stab it, and vibrate EH-HEH-YEH.

Turn north and repeat drawing the circle and pentagram, stab it and vibrate AH-GE-LAH.

Return to face east, extend both arms to form a cross, and say: Before me Raphael, Behind be Gabriel, On my right hand Michael, On my left hand Auriel, For before me flames the Pentagram, and Behind me the Six-rayed Star.

Repeat the Kabbalistic Cross.

[The ritual can be further developed by visualizing the Archangelic figures, in colored robes, at each station. Details can be found in the suggested readings.]

The Middle Pillar:

 Standing, feet together, facing east,

Visualize a white sphere above the head and vibrate EH-HEH-YEH.

Visualize light descending to form a sphere at the throat, and vibrate YE-HOH-VOH  E-LOH-HEEM.

Visualize light descending to form a sphere at the heart, and vibrate YE-HOH-VOH EL-OAH-VE-DA-ATH.

Visualize light descending to form a sphere at the genitals, and vibrate SHAH-DAI EL CHAI.

Visualize light descending to form a sphere at the feet, and vibrate AH-DOH-NAI HA-AH-RETZ.

Visualize and feel a current of light rising from the feet, entering the body at the base of the spine and continuing upwards to flower out at the crown of the head to descend light a shower of light to re-enter at the feet. Continue to circulate the light at least four times.*

 Repeat the Banishing Ritual and then close with the Kabbalistic Cross.

*Alternatively, and more traditionally, return attention to the center above the head and visualize a current descending from it to the left shoulder and then down inside the left side of the body to the sole of the left foot, and the over to the sole of the right foot and up through the right side of the body back above the head. Then do the same only visualizing the current descending from the crown down the front of the body and then returning up from the feet and through the spine to the crown. Both currents should coincide with the breath, and should be repeated several times. A third circulation of the current is from beneath the right foot over to the left foot and then upward in a tight spiral about the entire body up to the center above the head.

Variations of the exercise with more details will be found in the suggested readings.

A similar approach involving six centers is practiced in the Aurum Solis system.

Suggesting reading

  • Regardie with the Ciceros: The Middle Pillar – The Balance Between Mind and Magic
  • Regardie with the Ciceros: A Garden of Pomegranates – Skrying on the Tree of Light
  • Regardie with the Ciceros: The Tree of Life – An Illustrated Study in Magic
  • Denning & Phillips: The Sword & The Serpent – The Two-Fold Qabalistic Universe
  • Suggested Reading – Slate, J.H. & Weschcke, C.L.: Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment, 2012, Llewellyn
See also:  Middle Pillar
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