Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Are You Vulnerable to Psychic Attack?

The answer, in all likelihood, is yes. You are immune to psychic attack only if you have learned how to protect yourself from this kind of assault??"and most people don’t even know psychic attack is possible, much less that they can learn techniques of psychic self-defense to protect themselves from such supernatural assault.

There was a time in the history of Western civilization when psychic attack was a major concern in the lives of many people. Almost any misfortune could be attributed to the malevolent activities of a local sorcerer, real or imagined, whose ability to manipulate magical energies for harmful purposes was assumed by all but a tiny minority of skeptical rationalists. Even today, in so-called
"primitive" societies, considerable time and effort are devoted to preserving oneself against depredations by sorcerers or evil spirits.

Clearly there is a considerable amount of superstitious nonsense surrounding the idea of supernatural assault. Some people who believe they are psychic-attack victims are, in reality, in urgent need of psychiatric attention. The voices they hear in their heads are probably not the voices of evil elementals.

But all of us, including those of us who are neither superstitious nor paranoid, have at one time or another had the experience of meeting a person who seemed somehow to drain the very life force from us. Even in brief, casual encounters the effect of this kind of "psychic vampirism" is intense and unmistakable. And if our acquaintance with the person extends over a period of time, we may suffer serious consequences: not only an energy drain, but a sense that this person is exercising undue influence over our lives, and not for the good. We may find ourselves engaged in a fierce battle of wills, fearing that if we lose, we will sacrifice our identities as individuals. Yet curiously, this dramatic and frightening combat often takes place on a level that is not vocally
acknowledged, either by us or by the person directing the psychic attack against us!

The attacker may be someone with an amoral bent combined with a kind of warped personal magnetism and may not be fully conscious of his power, which is just as well. But if he is conscious of that power, and knows the techniques necessary to focus it for maximum effect, he is an extraordinarily dangerous individual??"because then he is drawing on not only psychological forces but paranormal ones as well. In that case his victims can find themselves in very serious trouble indeed. It is one thing to fight an enemy who uses conventional emotional weapons; it is quite another to find oneself at the receiving end of malevolent "supernatural" forces whose existence one may not suspect until it is too late.

We believe in the ancient principle that forewarned is forearmed??"unless you know what can (and probably will) happen to you, you can’t do anything to protect yourself. In this, as in all matters, ignorance is dangerous. Knowledge is the beginning not only of wisdom but of strength. From strength and wisdom come the power to withstand the forces of pure evil unleashed in psychic attacks.
See also:  Psychic Protection
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