Author Of Animal Lessons

An Interview with Danielle MacKinnon

1. Your new book is Animal Lessons. What inspired you to write the book?

In my more than a decade and a half working as an animal communicator, I've had the opportunity to witness incredible internal growth in people who chose to work with the lesson their animals were teaching them. I decided to write Animal Lessons because I wanted to capture the extra-ordinary process these people and their animals were going through to achieve this. To this day, I'm still blown away every time I see the process in action, and I'm feeling pretty excited to finally share it with the world in this way!

2. You are a faculty member at the Omega Institute and the Kripalu Center. You also run your own school, the Danielle MacKinnon School of Animal Communication. How did your work influence the book?

Everything that I talk about in the book comes from my work with animals at places like Omega and Kriplau, through my school of course, but also through my private sessions. Over the years, the animals have taken the time to painstakingly demonstrate their teachings to me again, and again. I originally rejected the idea of Animal Lessons because it seemed a little absurd to me. Animals acting as our teachers and mentors? But it was through my many years of deep intuitive work with animals that I finally came to embrace and fully believe in what the animals were showing me: they want the human race to be the best it can possibly be. Today, each and every class, workshop, and webinar that I teach is based on the idea that there is a greater purpose to animals meant to help human consciousness evolve.

3. Is it really possible to communicate with animals?

Ha ha ha! Yes! It really is. And I'm still asked that question all the time—and I teach this skill every day in my school. But more exciting then intuitively connecting with animals is finally understanding what they're trying to tell us. Their messages to us, such as, "You're worthy of love!" and, "You're safe and protected," touch deep insecurities within so many people in the world today that just being with an animal (whether or not you're intuitive) can help you love yourself more fully than ever. And for that part, you don't even have to be psychic!

4. What lessons do our pets and other animals in our lives have for us?

Animals tend to focus their teachings on those soul level lessons that we've come here to master. From believing you're not good enough to not feeling safe and protected in the world to not thinking you're lovable, animals tend to work at the core of our being. Sure, they can help us speak up more, but that's only the tip of the iceberg. Animals can help us understand why we're not speaking up and change the negative belief behind that. Isn't that incredible? All that from a little dog or hamster?

5. Can anyone understand the messages animals have for us? Or do we need an understanding of energy and energy management?

Anyone has the potential to understand the messages animals have for us, but so many of us don't have any idea that this is even possible. Luckily, it only takes a little nudging to help most people to realize the little philosopher/teacher/protector they have walking on that leash next to them (or grazing in that field next to them). The process of working with the lessons your animal has to teach you usually turns out to be easy because you have a secret weapon who is completely on your side: your animal.

6. What do you hope readers take away from Animal Lessons?

I want readers to realize the power of animals. Unlike humans, animals have fully aligned themselves with unconditional love, and when we work with the animals in our lives to tap into that, we can finally begin truly loving ourselves (while, in the process of course creating better lives for the animals of the world).

About Danielle MacKinnon

Danielle MacKinnon (Boston, MA) is a highly gifted intuitive and coach who has appeared on TV and radio around the world. She's also an esteemed faculty member at the Omega Institute, the Kripalu Center, and many other ...

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