
An Interview with Richard Webster

1. You have a lot of experience with angels, including your Archangels series and Praying with Angels. What about them is most inspiring to you?

The most inspiring aspect of angels for me is their accessibility and willingness to help. Many years ago, I was chased along a street by a group of born-again Christians who didn't approve of the hypnotism show I was doing at the time. I called on Archangel Michael for help, and the angry crowd immediately stopped chasing me. That's the only time I've needed angelic help urgently, and I've never forgotten the unbelievable speed at which my request was granted. I've asked for angelic help many times before and since, and have always received it, even though the help did not always come in the way in which I expected it.

2. Your new Oracle of the Angels is a divination deck designed to help us communicate with the angels. What inspired you to create the deck?

I own more than a dozen angel oracle decks, and use them all regularly. Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately, as it turned out—none of them were able to do all the things I wanted them to do. I wanted a deck that could be used for divination purposes, and include the four elements, astrology, and numerology, yet remain true to the basic idea of using a specific card for help or guidance. It took a while to create, but I'm extremely happy with the finished result.

3. Beside the deck format, how does The Oracle of the Angels differ from the other books you've written about angels?

This deck enables me to feature the angels who are especially important to me. When I was researching different angels before writing Encyclopedia of Angels, I made a list of the ones that I considered to be most accessible and helpful. I also related each of them to the different elements. I did this for my own benefit, and it was wonderful to have the opportunity to use this information in an angel oracle deck. My books on angels contain information on divination, but none of them contain the amount of information that is the book that accompanies this deck.

4. What was the collaboration process with artist Eric Williams like?

The collaboration process with Eric Williams was a real joy. It was a new experience for me, and I was concerned that an artist might not visualize angels in the same way that I do. I gave him information on how the angels should look, and what they could wear, as well as suggestions on the settings. I was also unnecessarily concerned that he may not understand the symbolism concerning each angel. I'm thrilled with what Eric has produced. He's a superb artist, and his pictures show the angels exactly as I envisaged them.

5. Not only is The Oracle of the Angels coming out in September, but you also have 365 Ways to Attract Good Luck being released in October. How did you find the time to work on the two projects so close together?

I started work on The Oracle of the Angels in 2007, and rewrote it several times over the intervening years. The initial concept changed markedly with each revision. However, most of that was done by the time I started writing 365 Ways to Attract Good Luck, so, apart from revision, the books were written separately.

6. Would you say it's easier or more difficult to write about such different subjects at the same time?

I'm not sure if it's easier, but I prefer to write about different subjects simultaneously. I don't usually write two book-length projects at the same time, but frequently research one book while writing another. I enjoy writing articles at the same time as working on a book. I find I return to the book revitalized after the temporary change of focus.

7. What do you hope readers will take away from The Oracle of the Angels?

I hope my readers will not buy the deck, read the book, look at the illustrations, and then put it away in a drawer. I hope they'll read the book, and then use the cards to establish a connection with the angelic realms, and consequently improve their own lives, and the lives of others.

8. And from 365 Ways to Attract Good Luck?

I hope my readers will learn that they create their own luck by the way they lead their lives. Consequently, they can influence their luck. By developing a positive outlook, they'll become lucky, and will attract all the good things life has to offer.

About Richard Webster

Richard Webster (New Zealand) is the bestselling author of more than one hundred books. Richard has appeared on several radio and television programs in the US and abroad, including guest spots on WMAQ-TV (Chicago), KTLA-TV ...

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