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The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism

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A Practical Guide to the Restored Pagan Religion of George Gemistos Plethon

A Complete Translation of the Surviving Contents of Plethon's Renaissance-Era Book of Laws

George Gemistos (c. 1355–1452), who called himself "Plethon," helped trigger the Renaissance by reawakening an interest in Platonism, but his secret book on its Neopagan theology was burned after his death. Only sixteen chapters of Plethon's Book of Laws escaped the flames and, for the first time ever, they have . . .

A Complete Translation of the Surviving Contents of Plethon's Renaissance-Era Book of Laws

George Gemistos (c. 1355–1452), who called himself "Plethon," helped trigger the Renaissance by reawakening an interest in Platonism, but his secret book on its Neopagan theology was burned after his death. Only sixteen chapters of Plethon's Book of Laws escaped the flames and, for the first time ever, they have been translated into English in their entirety.

Through translations and commentary by John Opsopaus, PhD, you can immerse yourself in Plethon's complete system of theology and religious practice focused on the Hellenic pantheon and deeply rooted in ancient Greek Paganism. This impressive guide features rituals, prayers, invocations, and hymns for daily and holiday use along with Plethon's complete sacred calendar. Featuring instructions from the Book of Laws on conducting ceremonies, rites, and more, The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism enhances your spiritual practice and understanding of Neoplatonic philosophy.

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"John Opsopaus has reached into the fire and retrieved Plethon's work for us to study. Moreover, he does so with a deep knowledge of the Pagan philosophy of the Hellenistic world, explaining Plethon's ideas and framing them understandably for us to use. Plethon is a vital link in the Golden Chain of philosophers who preserved the knowledge of the gods. John Opsopaus has spent many years bringing theurgy back into living practice. This book is a . . .

"John Opsopaus has reached into the fire and retrieved Plethon's work for us to study. Moreover, he does so with a deep knowledge of the Pagan philosophy of the Hellenistic world, explaining Plethon's ideas and framing them understandably for us to use. Plethon is a vital link in the Golden Chain of philosophers who preserved the knowledge of the gods. John Opsopaus has spent many years bringing theurgy back into living practice. This book is a collaboration between them, bringing Plethon's wisdom alive and returning to us one of the great teachers in our Pagan heritage."—Brandy Williams, author of Practical Magic for Beginners

"The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism sheds much needed light on the life and works of an enigmatic figure who, almost single handedly, sought to stem the tide of cultural change and preserve a spiritual tradition that was in danger of disappearing forever. Dr. Opsopaus skillfully connects the fragments that survived into a living tapestry and a workable system that allows us to better understand, apply, and benefit from Plethon's noble life-work."—Hercules Invictus, host of Mount Olympus podcast

"Unlike the Florentine Neoplatonists Ficino and Pico, who remained Catholic no matter how wide they cast their syncretistic net, Plethon, who influenced them, was a Neoplatonic pagan. John Opsopaus does him justice by presenting him as such. Opsopaus's book is also perhaps the clearest and most lucid guide to Plethon's vision of reality: from the ineffable ONE (Zeus) down to 'matter'. As a work of solid historical scholarship and as a guide to contemporary pagan practice, I recommend it most warmly."—Jay Bregman, emeritus professor of history/religious studies at the University of Maine

ISBN-13: 9780738770932
Imprint: Llewellyn
Pub Date: May 2022
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Page Count: 408 pages
Size: 7.50 x 9.28 x 1.03 IN
Weight: 1.80 lbs
Case Quantity: 22

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