1. A recording of all events that have ever occurred and said to be stored in a spiritual substance,
Akasha, that surrounds the earth.
AUTHOR: Donald Michael Kraig
2. The collective unconscious is a kind of group mind that is inherited from all our ancestors and includes all the memories and knowledge acquired by humans and sometimes is called "the Akashic Records." It is believed to exist on the higher astral and lower mental planes and to be accessible by the super consciousness through the subconscious mind in deep trance states induced through hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation and guided meditation
It is a function of the Astral Light to retain all that has ever happened in thought and deed; hence the Akashic Records are the enduring records of everything that has ever happened and the repository of all knowledge and wisdom, and the files of every personal memory.
Being able to call up infinite information and integrate it into your present life needs is of enormous benefit—similar to but beyond the capacity of any present-day Internet Search Engine.
Suggested reading:
The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy by Cyndi Dale