Back in my early days of learning tarot, many readers used reversals consistently. But the last few decades ushered in an era where many readers do not use reversals or use them to indicate states of being, such as blocked energy. Many of the newer books do not include reversed meanings because the authors do not use them.

If you are someone interested in a book that gives almost equal attention to the reversed meanings as the upright, you’ll probably really enjoy Tarot Plain and Simple. Here’s an example, using the High Priestess, a favorite of most readers.


2, The High Priestess

Juno, The Papess, The Female Pope, La Sacerdotisa

Upright: Intuitive awareness.

Key Words and Phrases: The virgin daughter archetype. Mastery in the internal world. Inner space. Spiritual forces. Secrets. Matters not yet revealed. Love without sex. Spiritual enlightenment. Psychological insight. Inner illumination. Moral guidance. Looking within. Learning about feelings. Trusting your inner voice. The subconscious. Hidden issues. Early memories. Past conditioning. The messages of dreams. Hidden influences. Esoteric knowledge. Occult wisdom. Help. Advice. Plumbing the depths. The invisible aspects of the universe. The female pope. Reflection. Meditation. Understanding of higher truths. Going with the flow. Unrevealed secrets. The unknown. The anima. Budding awareness of sexuality. Female mystery. Lesbian sexuality. Access to hidden knowledge. Learning. The power of silence. Unlocking of mysteries. Celestial mother. Hidden talents. Guardian of Hidden Wisdom. Body fluids. Digestion. Female issues. Life without men. Virginity. Decreased libido. Celibacy. Go with the flow.

Situation and Advice: Something is going on beneath the surface. Hidden knowledge needs to see the light of day. The High Priestess appears when you need to attend to your inner- most feelings and listen to your inner voice. Some aspect of your current situation deeply touches your unconscious mind. Now is a time to reflect, meditate, pray, and contact your inner self. Trust your feelings. Your dreams and intuitions give the best counsel. Past conditioning and early memories are affecting the current situation. You may have a strong interest in the occult, mysticism, divination, psychology, psychoanalysis, or any subject dealing with the hidden aspects of existence. At the same time your interest is sex is at a low.

An intuitive or psychic woman may come to your assistance. Someone who understands the inner workings of the mind or of your current situation may be of help. A secret or hidden aspect of your situation may be revealed. The High Priestess appears when you need to tap into your hidden potentials, psychological depths, or unseen talents to achieve success. Sometimes the High Priestess refers literally to book learning through further training or education.

People: A daughter. A sister. The vestal virgin. Single women. Devout persons. Those who want love without sex. Psychics. Psychologists. Counselors. Intuitives. Adepts. Idealized lovers. Sensitive people. Intuitive confidantes. Someone keeping a secret. Researchers. Initiates. Those who understand the inner workings of the matter inquired about. Luke Skywalker. The Fairy Godmother. The Virgin Mary.


High Priestess Reversed: Not listening to your inner voice.

Key Words and Phrases: Misuse of intuition. Acting on bias or prejudice. Shallowness. Manipulativeness. Lack of emotional control. Being out of touch. Too little time for reflection. Ignoring your dreams and intuitions. Hysterical outbursts. Repressed feelings. Hidden enemies. Not following your hunches. Failing to use native talents. Fear of listening to your inner voice. Discounting the promptings of your heart. Emotional insensitivity or hypersensitivity. Secrets revealed. Nothing is hidden. Superficiality. Lack of forethought. Loss of virginity. Observing but not participating in the life force. Excessive reliance on external validation. Excessive reliance on analysis and rational thought. Increased interest in sex. It’s right here in black and white. It just doesn’t feel right, but I’ll do it anyway. I only bet on a sure thing.

Situation and Advice: The High Priestess reversed suggests you are paying insufficient attention to your true needs and feelings. You may be overly intellectual or rational in your approach to problem solving. Alternatively, you may be acting out of bias or prejudice. Someone around you may be hysterical and emotionally out of control. You may be so preoccupied with the duties of your external life that you don’t leave enough time for yourself. Your unconscious is trying to tell you something but you are unwilling to listen. You are out of touch with your feelings and with what is happening beneath the surface. Hidden knowledge will influence your decision; be sure to get all the facts before proceeding. You may be feeling emotionally sensitive or need to deal with someone who is highly overwrought. Your strong sexual desires may impair your judgment. Don’t say yes when you mean no.

People: Manipulative people. Secret enemies, especially women. A cruel female. Emotionally troubled persons. Shallow or superficial individuals. The mentally ill. Self-destructive individuals. Promiscuous individuals.

Written by Barbara Moore
The tarot has been a part of Barbara Moore’s personal and professional lives for over a decade. In college, the tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, and history. Later, she served as the tarot specialist for Llewellyn Publications. Over the years, she has ...