Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Pamela Chen and Samantha Blossom, authors of the new The Mandarin Tree.

Pamela Chen
Samantha Blossom As modern Asian American mystics, we love to work with the heavenly creatures, or what you may know as mystical beings in other cultures, for abundance magic. Connecting to the three celestial beings that we are introducing to you today can help you easily access the frequency and magic that you need to achieve your goals. Each mystical guide is there to help you call in the power, magic, and actions that will move you forward. Check out The Mandarin Tree: Manifest Joy, Luck, and Magic with Two Asian American Mystics if you want to go into deeper rituals with these mystical beings, deities of our lineages, or other divine guides. In the meantime, start your magical journey with these three guides.

The Dragon: The Dragons are a large magnificent force field that can quickly quantum leap you into new situations and new timelines. When you’re asking for fast instantaneous changes in your world, ask for the power of the Dragon to be with you. Usually Dragons come in pairs of gold and white dragons or you may see a school of dragons coming to support you and sending instant luck and energy your way. They can quickly protect you, clear away blocks and guide the right people to you. Meditate, ask for them to be present, feel them, and see if they share any visuals with you or guidance. You may be asked to change the way you feel about a certain thing. Be ready for fast miracles when working with the Dragon.

The Phoenix: You can call upon the Phoenix if you feel stagnant or stuck. Light a new candle and meditate on the flames to connect with your Phoenix. When you see your flames dancing then close your eyes and picture a beautiful Phoenix soaring towards you wrapping you up in a crimson fire energy. In this magical flame, speak what you want to release so that you can resurrect in a new life and a new self. As you feel the last of your blocks being burned away, you can open your eyes and awaken as the highest-level magical version of you now.

The Money Frog: Having a Money Frog statue in your home is very popular in Feng Shui and can allow lots of wealth to hop into your home and your bank account. Face your Money Frog to the door in the daytime to call in money. During the night, turn them around to face inside to keep your wealth. Keep in mind to never place your Money Frog in your bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen. Leap to abundance and hop into magic by working with this mystical being.

There are many other guides you can work with for manifestation and pathworking. In The Mandarin Tree, you will be introduced and guided to working with other divine guides, such as Tiger, Laughing Buddha, Kuan Yin, Golden Ancestors, and more. Invoking the energies of these ancient archetypes will promote powerful transformations in your life and bring more joy and abundance. Cheers to living your best life!

Our thanks to Pamela and Samantha for their guest post! For more from Pamela Chen and Samantha Blossom, read their article “7 Things to Initiate When Working With a Deity, Guide, or Mystical Being .”

Written by Anna
Anna is the Senior Digital Marketing Strategist, responsible for Llewellyn's New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit, the Llewellyn Journal, Llewellyn's monthly email newsletters, email marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, and much more. In her free time, Anna ...