POSTED UNDER Prayer, Protection, Spring

St. Agatha, Soothe My Suffering

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Sandalwood

Today is the traditional feast day of St. Agatha. It is unlikely that Agatha was an actual historic person, and different variations of her legend exist stil. Like most early female saints, when she became a Christian, she consecrated her virginity to Christ. Therefore, when her beauty aroused a particular Roman senator, she rejected his advances and earned his spite. Ultimately, as punishment her breasts were torn off with pincers and she was thrown into a cell. While in prison, Agatha prayed to St. Peter, who came to her in a vision and restored her breasts. As a result, she is a patron saint of women and is particularly invoked for protection against breast disease. A woman who wants to petition her should lay three pink flowers and light a white candle in front of her image. This is best performed in the morning while reciting the following prayer:

St. Agatha,
You suffered because of your beauty and fidelity,
Yet persevered through your faith.
Please intercede for your humble servant in my hour of need.
Soothe my suffering and deliver me to health and wholeness,
As in turn you were delivered by St. Peter.

When the petitioner feels that she has been helped by Agatha and restored to health, she may thank her by writing a short thank you note on a pink ribbon. In the spring, bury this note under forget-me-nots, and offer your devotions to her.

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