A Protection Oil

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Lavender

Utilizing the protective qualities of Scorpio and Mars, this oil protects against all who might try to harm you magically. It's especially good against works of illusion or glamouring, as well as influences from the dead. You will need:

  • Olive oil (or your preferred carrier oil)
  • A bowl
  • A sewing needle (unused), or you can use a long thorn, like those from the honey locust tree (Gleditsia triacanthos) or certain cacti
  • Basil essential oil
  • A bottle or canning jar

Pour the olive oil into the bowl. You can use as much as you'd like. Just make sure you have a bottle or jar to store it in.

Face the east and place the bowl in front of you on a tabletop. Take your needle or thorn in your right hand, and use it to stir the oil three times in a clockwise circle. Repeat these words each time you stir:
Armor on my body. From all evil curses. From all works of the dead. Be swords. Be spears.

Add a few drops of the basil essential oil to the bowl, then stir three more circles while repeating the charm another three times. When you're finished, bottle the oil. To use, rub some of the oil onto your hands and feet while reciting the charm three times.

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About Brandon Weston
Brandon Weston (Fayetteville, AR) is a healer, writer, and folklorist who owns and operates Ozark Healing Traditions, an online collective of articles, lectures, and workshops focusing on the Ozark Mountain region. As a practicing folk healer, his work with clients includes everything from ...
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