POSTED UNDER Success, Winter

Disappointments and Gratitudes

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Geranium

We're in the depth of winter, with its long, dark nights and short days, and it's a perfect time to reflect on the light and dark within our own lives—the gratitudes and the disappointments.

You'll need a black candle, a white candle, a saucer, matches, a fireproof bowl, a pen, and two pieces of paper. Write your disappointments on one piece of paper. What has not materialized as you had hoped? Who or what have you lost? What has caused you pain?

On the second piece, write your gratitudes. What are you thankful for? Name your strengths, gifts, and successes.

Set the black candle on the saucer and light it. Speak your disappointments aloud, then put that piece of paper into the bowl and set it aflame. As it burns, extinguish the candle, leaving the disappointments in ashes.

Light the white candle. Speak your gratitudes aloud, feeling the light and warmth as you do. Be grateful for the light's brilliance and for the light of your own life. Keep the second piece of paper on your altar, reading it often.

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About Susan Pesznecker
Susan “Moonwriter” Pesznecker is a writer, college English teacher, nurse, and hearth Pagan/Druid living in northwestern Oregon. Sue holds a Masters degree in professional writing and loves to read, watch the stars, camp with her wonder poodle, and work in her own biodynamic garden. She ...
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