Dream Key Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Magnolia

The first month of the year is the perfect time to set new intentions about what you want to accomplish over the course of the next several months. Find a key—a new key, an old key, or even a skeleton key—and designate it as your key of the year. If you want to achieve a new dream, this key can be something you use all year long.

You can wear the key around your neck, carry it in your pocket, or leave it in a special place on your altar. Keys are magical and will help open new doors to manifest success in the future. The key is a good reminder of your personal power and the ability to find the doors necessary to accomplish your goals. These words can help magnify your intention:
With this key, I will attract to me
The doors and opportunities for my
dreams to manifest, so mote it be.

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Sapphire Moonbeam is a rainbow energy artist, metaphysical jewelry maker, card reader, author, and nature photographer, and has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Missouri–Kansas City. Sapphire is the artist and author of the Moonbeam Magick oracle card deck. She is a ...
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