Ask the Three Fates for Advice

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Marigold

When our lives get too complicated, it's time to ask the Three Fates for advice. Plato's account of the Fates tells us that they sing to us. Lachesis sings about the past, Clotho sings about the present, and Atropos sings about the future. Choose three questions to ask the Fates, such as:

  • What in your past should you dismiss or forgive?
  • What in your present can be trimmed and/or set aside?
  • What are you facing that you may need advice to deal with?

Instead of casting a circle, cast a triangle, one point of which faces where you were born. Draw the triangle with strong purple thread and anchor the thread with river rocks. Lay a moonstone or black tourmaline at each point, encircling each stone with the thread.

Stand or sit in the middle of the triangle and appeal to the Fates:
Sagacious Singers of Life—
Speak to me of past,
present, and future.

Where am I going?
What elements of my life are
best cleansed or changed?

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Barbara Ardinger, Ph.D., (Long Beach, California), is a Witch, teacher, and freelance writer.  She holds a Ph.D. in English Renaissance literature. ...
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