Walk into Good Fortune

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon

For this spell you will need two bay leaves and a cinnamon scroll, both available from the spice section of the supermarket. Bay keeps bad luck at bay (see what I did there?), while cinnamon is appealing to the gods.

Stand barefoot and put the bay and the cinnamon between the palms of your hands. Rub them together briskly until you start to feel heat from the friction. Part your hands and let the leaves and cinnamon fall to the floor.

Wipe the palm of your right hand onto the sole of your left foot, then wipe the palm of your left hand onto the sole of your right foot. Now step into the residue of bay and cinnamon that is on the floor. Envision the herbs and spices leading you forward to your luck and abundance. When you have that image firmly in your mind, you can wash your hands and feet.

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