POSTED UNDER Beltane, Blessing, Cure, AND MORE

New Moon, New Start

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

The Wiccan and Neopagan sabbats that are not equinoxes and solstices occur on dates that are similar but not astrologically precise. We are currently in the midst of astrological Beltane.

Take a bottle of your favorite wine, kombucha, or other nonalcoholic beverage. With a flashlight in hand, safely travel to a calming, hidden place after nightfall. Using a black permanent marker, draw crescent moons on the bottle.

Meditate and then visualize the obscured moon enchanting the liquid. Once finished, give thanks and leave the bottle outside for thirteen days, at which time you can merrily consume it to invoke major lunar blessings!

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Raven Digitalis (USA) is an award-winning author best known for his "empath's trilogy," consisting of The Empath's Oracle, Esoteric Empathy, and The Everyday Empath, as well as the "shadow trilogy" of A Gothic Witch's Oracle, A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium, and Goth Craft. Originally trained in ...
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