POSTED UNDER Healing, Moon, Spring

Health Moon

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ginger

The full moon marks its maximum swell of energy. That makes today a good time for spells that benefit from high power. One option focuses on health and healing. You can recharge your body’s energy reserves with moonlight. While this is no substitute for good self-care, it can give you a quick boost. Take advantage of the warming spring to bare some skin. A T-shirt and/or shorts will help you absorb more energy. Go outside when the moon is in the sky and stand in a place where the it can shine on you. Face the moon and say:
Full moon, bright moon,
Let me be your cup.
Full moon, bright moon,
Fill my body up.
Feel the energy sinking into you. Turn your back to the moon and repeat the verse again. Visualize the
moonlight boosting your health so your body can take good care of itself. Once you feel full, cover up and go back indoors.

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