Call Forth and Manifest

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Mulberry

The season of spring has arrived! In my state of Colorado, March is one of the snowiest months, so we get excited thinking about the planting of gardens and flowers. You may live in a climate where you can already sow seeds in the ground. If so, lucky you! Either way, you can use this spell to bless your seeds as the physical manifestation of things you’d like to see blossom into reality.

For this spell you will need a packet of seeds. Hold some seeds in your hand and say:

Little seeds you may be.
You hold the essence of life to be.
May you blossom by the sun.
May you thrive in the moonlight,
Little seeds grow into big
things, by day and by night!

Now follow the directions for planting the seeds. Some seeds need to be soaked overnight, and some can be planted directly in the ground after the last frost.

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About Najah Lightfoot
Najah Lightfoot is a multi-award-winning author. She is the author of the bestselling Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul. She is a regular contributor to the Llewellyn annuals and a contributor to The Library of Esoterica -Volume III - Witchcraft. Her magickal staff is on ...
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