POSTED UNDER Cat, Job, Money

Money Magnet

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender

For this spell you’ll need a magnet of any kind. Holding the magnet in both hands, close your eyes and visualize a door. This door opens to the flow of money, mediated by the highest good. In your mind’s eye, open the door and feel the multidirectional flow of money moving through and around you. Soak in this energy and move it down and out through your hands, charging the magnet. Continue until the magnet feels fully saturated.

Place the magnet somewhere visible, and every time it catches your eye, tap into that feeling of the flow of money. As this magnet draws the energy of money to you, allow yourself to be inspired to take tangible actions. For instance, perhaps your intuition urges you to apply for a new job or start listing your artwork online. Be on the lookout for little (and big!) nudges that help you welcome more money into your life.

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Melissa Tipton is a Jungian Witch, Structural Integrator, and founder of the Real Magic Mystery School, where they teach online courses in Jungian Magic, a potent blend of ancient magical techniques and modern psychological insights. They're the author of Living Reiki: Heal Yourself and Transform ...
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