Color of the day: Gray Incense of the day: Neroli Traditional astrologers feel that doing magick during an eclipse is inauspicious. In magickal workings, eclipse energy can come across as confusing. It can be harder to navigate the waters of an eclipse over those of other full moons. The belief is that the eclipse energy is inconsistent and magick worked during these moments is unreliable. However, self-reflection is a good thing during a lunar eclipse. By using the energy of the darkness to go within and take stock, you can connect with pieces of your life that you might have been ignoring, avoiding, or putting off. It’s not necessarily a good time to take action on these things, but it is a good time to take stock. During the eclipse, take out your journal and write this: When you are finished, set your journal aside. The next day, take out your journal and read over what you wrote. Notice anything interesting or important that you feel you need to pay attention to. |