Absolute Potential

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Juniper

At the top of the Qabalistic Tree of Life is Kether, a plane of absolute potential. Here, energy exists before form, with the ability to become anything, and it can dissolve stuck or rigid elements in our lives, returning them to a state of greater fluidity and potential.

This is especially helpful when something seems unbalanced. Perhaps you’ve been pouring time and effort into a relationship or project, but you don’t feel like you’re getting much in return. Surrendering this energy to the potentiality of Kether loosens the imbalanced configuration, allowing the energy to re-form in new, more beneficial ways.

On a piece of paper, write a description of the situation. Tap into how you feel when you’re embroiled in this dynamic, and feel the paper soaking up that energy like a sponge. Light a white candle, then touch the paper to its flame, letting it burn to ash on a heatproof surface. Feel the energy releasing, free to organize in new, more functional ways. Snuff out the candle and dispose of the ash once it’s fully cooled.

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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=9201