POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Wind

Altar Blessing

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lilac

An altar provides a focus for mystical practice. It can provide a place for worship, spellcasting, or whatever else you need. In the process, however, it tends to pick up stray bits of energy. Over time, these can build up enough to become distracting, rather like bug spots on a windshield. So an altar needs to be cleaned and blessed periodically.

Begin by removing all the things on the altar—candlesticks, statuettes, bowls, and so on. Take off the altar cloth. If it’s washable, wash it. If not, just shake it out, and consider whether it’s shabby enough to need replacing. Wipe off the altar with a suitable cleaner. Then say:

Altar shining clean and bright,
Blessed be by sacred light.
Hold the holy items high,
Here between the earth and sky.
Magic flowing fair and free,
As I will, so mote it be.

Finish by putting a clean cloth over the altar. Then set your items back in their customary places.

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