Reunite with a Departed Loved One

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Ylang-Ylang

For many of us, Samhain is about reuniting with loved ones who have crossed over into the realm of the dead. For this spell you will need a picture or an object related to the person you want to connect with, something with a scent that reminds you of the deceased, and a candle. Start by placing the picture on your altar and saying the name of the spirit you wish to reunite with. Next to the picture, place your scented object and breathe in its aroma. Your scented object can be food, something once owned by the deceased, or even an incense or scented oil. Just make sure the scent conjures up memories. Focus on the memories that surface; their energy should bring the deceased close to you. Light the candle and say:

Though worlds apart, tonight we shall

reunite. (Name of deceased), come to

this place and be with me this Samhain.

Reach out into the stillness and feel the energy of your deceased loved one around you. Blow out the candle.

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About Jason Mankey
Jason Mankey is a third-degree Gardnerian High Priest and helps run two Witchcraft covens in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Ari. He is a popular speaker at Pagan and Witchcraft events across North America and Great Britain and has been recognized by his peers as an authority on the ...
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