Tree Magic Practices

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Geranium

Magic is in every part of our world, but at times it is easier to see in nature than in ourselves, especially in autumn or fall. The Green Man is said to exist in the subconscious of those who love nature, plants, animals, and trees. He is nature. He is the forest and he is the trees. He is the animals and he is earth magic at its best.

There is much old lore surrounding tree magic. Here are some magical practices for you to try:

Planting lilac, honeysuckle, and almond trees in your garden provides financial stability for the family. However, if you plant white lilac, remember that you should never cut it and bring it in the house, as anything white in nature belongs to the Goddess, no matter how tempting its beautiful smell.

Silver birch, maple, holly, and ash trees are believed to bring luck to the household.

The monkey puzzle tree is best avoided, as it brings bad luck to the home and family.

The elder tree is a very sacred tree and is said to protect humans from the spirit world.

The cherry tree is always said to harbour evil spirits.

The mighty oak tree is said to be magical. It is believed that if you carry an acorn with you, eternal youth will be yours.

It is wise to leave an acorn on a windowsill, as it will ward off storms.

If an oak tree has mistletoe growing round it, this is said to have special powers. The advice is to cut off the mistletoe with a gold knife on the sixth day of a new moon and catch it in a white cloth, not allowing it to touch the ground, as then the mistletoe will lose its power. Place the mistletoe in water and use the liquid as a charm to ward off evil spirits.

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About Tudorbeth
Tudorbeth is the principal of the British College of Witchcraft and Wizardry and teaches courses on witchcraft. She is the author of numerous books, including The Hedgewitch's Little Book of Spells, Charms & Brews and A Spellbook for the Seasons (Eddison Books, 2019). Tudorbeth is a hereditary ...
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