Sunflower Determination Spell

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Sage

Sunflowers are known for their vibrant color and their bright yellow petals as they reach for the sun. As the flowers grow taller, they carry the energies of hope and determination. If you have been lacking hope in your life, you can utilize this flower to empower your personal energy.

For this spell you can use a sunflower, visualize a sunflower, or even paint or draw a sunflower for your altar. Use the method that works best for you. You can also use a white candle for the purity of your heart and a yellow candle for joy to enhance the potency of this determination spell. Safely light the candles and say these words:

May the energies of the sunflower

help me see that there is always

hope that surrounds me.

As I reach for my goal with

determination and power, may

my manifestation and success

grow hour by hour.

Remember to extinguish your candles.

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