Push It Protection Spell

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Orchid

Salt and pepper are not just good for seasoning food—they’re also used for magickal protection. This is because salt neutralizes negative energy, and pepper acts as a potent guardian against harm. You can prepare this protection spell nearly anywhere and anytime. You will need a plate, some salt and ground pepper, a spoon, and a small pouch.

On a plate, make two equal-size mounds, one of salt and one of pepper. Hover your right hand over the mounds, then start mixing them together with your fingers in a clockwise motion. Push your intention for protection into them as you repeat this phrase:

Salt and pepper, protect me from harm.

Do this for at least three minutes. When you feel they have absorbed your will, use a spoon to gather the powder into the pouch. To use it, take a pinch of the powder with your left fingers and throw it while pushing the protective energy out with your hand. Take a deep breath and walk away.

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About Andrea Taylor
Andrea Taylor (Dorset, England) has been an astrological counselor for over forty years. Originally self-taught, she studied through the Huber School in the mid-1980s. She started teaching birth chart interpretation soon after, and she's had clients worldwide. Andrea also authored Birth Chart ...
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