POSTED UNDER Children, Earth, Love, AND MORE

Mothering Sunday Meditation

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Almond

A good mother loves her children and teaches them to love themselves. Today is Mother’s Day, and while there are many good mothers we should celebrate, there are also many people who don’t come from a good mother. Let’s expand and extend this day, making it inclusive to all (and not exclusive to those lucky enough to have a good mother).

Sit quietly and meditate. Focus on the qualities of a good mother: someone who is loving, caring, nurturing, and kind; someone who feeds, protects, cuddles, and teaches. Drop your attention down through your root chakra into Mother Earth, reaching awareness there. Know that timeless, abiding strength and wisdom are there for you to meet your deepest needs. Draw mothering energy up from the earth, through your body, and around your heart. Mother yourself: cultivate self-love, self-protection, self-care, and kindness. Claim good mothering as yours as a child of the great mother, Earth.

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