Simple Meditation Amulet

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Magnolia

Meditation is something that we all can benefit from, but it doesn’t necessarily come easy to everyone. I know I struggled to get the hang of it and still find myself hitting the occasional block. I created this simple meditation amulet to help me deepen my skills with each session.

To create your own meditation amulet, you will need a small magnifying glass, a black marker, and a thick piece of cord or string to make a strap so you can wear it over your neck.

On the magnifying glass, draw a large eye with the marker. In the center of the eye, draw a pentacle. Look through the center of the pentacle and say:

Deep within the mysteries hide;
Find the patience that’s locked inside.
Help me go deeper than I know I’ve been,
To explore the secrets of now and then.

Tie the ends of the cord around the handle of the magnifying glass, and wear your amulet during meditation.

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