POSTED UNDER Autumn, Charm, Home, AND MORE

Coconut Blessing

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Basil

Lighting lamps and finding ways to battle back the shadow within us are common themes at this time of year. Ready your home for autumn gatherings by making coconut lanterns. Simply buy one or more coconuts and sit in a sacred space. Think of a prayer for a selfless and positive purpose. As you do so, pierce and drain the coconut using a hammer and a thick nail, drinking the juice to help fill you with the strength and courage to serve others this season.

Use the hammer to carefully split the coconut, then bake it in the oven at 300 degrees F. for one hour or until the meat pulls away from the shell. Grind or grate the fruit to make sweets and snacks or to enjoy over buttered popcorn. Place tealight candles, marigolds, and party charms or candies inside the shells, and leave these on the table or an altar to create a welcoming and warm home for the holiday season ahead.

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