Egg Spell for Release

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Hyacinth

For this spell you will need an egg and a permanent marker. Sit outside or in a window under the waning moon while holding the egg in your palm. Think about the things in your life that are holding you back from achieving your potential. This could be attachments to toxic people, bad habits, negative self-talk, or any other things that you’d like to be free of. As you contemplate these problems, write them down on the egg in small letters, covering the entire shell if you wish. Go into as much detail as you like, feeling the unwanted circumstances transfer from you into the egg. Visualize the yolk inside the egg as containing all the energy of the problems.

Go outdoors and dig a small hole in the ground. Crack the egg and bury the yolk in the hole. Walk away, knowing you’ve left your problems behind. Compost or dispose of the shells.

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About Kate Freuler
Kate Freuler is the author of Magic at the Crossroads: The Devil in Modern Witchcraft and Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick and the Dark Moon. She has written articles for Llewellyn's Magical Almanac, Llewellyn's Spell-a-Day Almanac, and Llewellyn's Sabbats Almanac. She lives in ...
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