POSTED UNDER Garden, Kitchen, Prosperity, AND MORE

Planting Seeds of Abundance

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Alder

Depending on where in the country you live, it may be time to start the first seeds in pots that will eventually be moved outside. Even if you aren’t a gardener, it’s never too early to plant seeds of prosperity and abundance. March is a good time to plan for the rest of the year, both financially and spiritually, although you can do this spell in any season. You will need a small pot, some potting soil, a few seeds (simple herbs you might use in the kitchen are good, or easy flowers like marigolds), and a shiny penny to symbolize the abundance you desire. Put the coin in the bottom of the pot, add the soil, then place the seeds one by one as you say:

I plant the seeds of wealth and plenty,
Abundance shining like a penny.
Prosperity will grow and grow,
With these seeds that I do sow.

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About Deborah Blake
Deborah Blake is the author of seventeen books on modern Witchcraft, including The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, The Little Book of Cat Magic, and Llewellyn's Little Book of Spellcraft, as well as the acclaimed Everyday Witch Tarot, Everyday Witch Oracle, and Everyday Witch’s Familiars ...
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