The "Craft" in Witchcraft

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Thyme

Ar e you a painter or sculptor? Do you draw? Can you sew? Are you a writer? I can’t sew a straight stitch to save my life, and sewing machines terrify me. But give me a glue gun and some magickal bits of this and that, and I’m ready to go.

There’s a reason that the word craft is part of the word Witchcraft. Witches are crafty. We like doing things with our hands and we like using our minds. For this rite, I’d like to encourage you to do something crafty, whatever or however that shows up for you. And don’t worry: there is no need to show your handiwork to anyone. Offer up your creation to the Goddess and know that on this starry night, she is well pleased.

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About Najah Lightfoot
Najah Lightfoot is a multi-award-winning author. She is the author of Powerful Juju and the bestselling Good Juju. She is a regular contributor to the Llewellyn annuals and a contributor to Taschen, The Library of Esoterica -Volume III - Witchcraft. Her magickal staff is on display and part of the ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=8085