POSTED UNDER Bath, Healing, Luck

Headache Release Spell

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Cedar

Today honors Áed mac Bricc, an Irish saint who died in 589 CE. He is the patron saint of headache sufferers. There’s a story from the sixth century that says he healed Brigit of her headache—because even a goddess of smithing, healing, and poetry should have someone to ease her headache.

Today, safely burn lavender-scented candles, put rosemary oil on your temples, and soak in a lavender-scented bath. Carve time out of your day to relax, release your tense muscles, and call on Áed mac Bricc to remove your headache. Then extinguish the candles.

If you’re lucky enough to be headache-free today, soak and light candles and ask him to remove a future headache, banking the healing to draw on when you need it.

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