Dandelions and Spirit Contact

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Geranium
Dandelion foliage is a powerful aid in drawing spirits of the deceased. To do this, you'll need a few dandelion leaves that have never been sprayed with weed killer. You will also need some water, a saucepan with a lid, a cloth, and a scrying tool such as a magic mirror.

Boil the water in the saucepan and add the dandelion leaves. Cover the pan and take it off the heat, then let the mixture steep for a few minutes. When the mixture cools, dampen the cloth with it and wipe off the scrying tool you'll use. Set the pan near you and begin to scry. Then say:

"Spirit (or deceased's
name), come to me."

"Come only in love and peace."

When you see the spirit's image, you may ask a question. Then thank the spirit and let it go. Afterward, pour the water and leaves respectfully upon the earth. If you didn't succeed in making contact, try again. Just keep your sessions short.
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