POSTED UNDER Home, Spring, Winter

Stesubun-Sai Bean Throwing Ceremony

Color of the day:  Amber
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
According to Shinto belief, today is when the spirit world is closest to ours. In Japan, bean throwing is a popular way to mark the end of winter and the eve of the first day of spring. The idea is to employ the mystical powers of beans to scare away evil and usher in goodness. Involve everyone in your home in this ceremony.

First, you need one person to be an ogre, to symbolize evil. An ogre toy or mask or a face painted like that of an ogre will work.

Next, select roasted soybeans with a flavor profile you prefer. Dry-roasted nuts are very healthy. They can be salty or spicy in flavor.

Toss seven soybeans at the ogre.

The ogre runs away.

Then each participant eats the number of beans that represents their age.
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