Protect-from-Hatred Spell

Nullify some of your own negative karma by doing your hater a favor. Make sure you perform this act with purity of intent. Contemplate your enemy for a while, seeing them as a spark of cosmic consciousness. Notice how far removed they have become from the creative source, and how unhappy this is making them. They are suffering the delusion that we are all separate. Send them a flood of yellow compassionate light. See them getting closer and closer to union with the divine. Finally, see them embraced by the light. Every time they upset you, perform this visualization. Always treat others better than you would have them treat you. This loving attitude is the most effective magic that there is.
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About Kala Trobe
A lifelong student of the Mysteries and practitioner of conscious connection with the Divine, Kala Trobe paints and writes on such themes as spiritual evolution, goddesses and magicks. She works as a Tarot-based counsellor, holds an MA with Distinction in Literature, and relishes languages, visual ...
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