POSTED UNDER Protection, Water

Stang Rune Spell

Runes may be used in spell work to form words or to evoke images, and thus enhance energies. To empower a stang (a two or three-pronged staff used as walking stick and portable altar), pass it through a fire and sprinkle it with the symbols of the elementals: salt, smoke, flame, and water. Engrave on the stang the symbol of possession, the rune Ethel (o). Beneath it, create a monogram of your craft name. Next, place the symbols of the Lady and the Lord, the runes Beorc (b) and Os (a), at either side of your name. Then connect them all with the symbol of endurance, the rune Eoh (c). Finally, decorate other portions of the stang with the symbols of protection, the rune Thorn (u), and joy, the rune Wynn (w).
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About Ann Moura
Ann Moura has been a practitioner of Green Witchcraft for over forty years. She holds both a BA and an MA in history. Moura lives in Florida, where she runs her own metaphysical store, presents public rituals, and teaches classes on the Craft. Visit her online at or at ...
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