POSTED UNDER Home, Love, Prayer

Honoring the Ancestors

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Apricot
Today marks the date of the Taiwanese holiday Qing Ming Jie. This holiday is also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day. The Taiwanese people are very diligent about maintaining their loved ones' graves. Sweeping, cleaning, and picking up around the graves and replacing decorations, flowers, and offerings are some of the main activities on this day. You can do the same today at a loved one's gravesite, or you can honor your ancestors at home.

If you choose to honor your ancestors at home, create a simple ancestor altar upon a cloth in a clean space, perhaps with photos and mementos. Offer your departed loved ones food and drink and perhaps a candle and fresh flowers. State your prayers to them at the altar and include them in spirit during your activities throughout the day. Remember, ancestors of blood and spirit are always there to call upon.
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