POSTED UNDER Home, Protection

Thor's Day

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Named for the Norse god Thor, the protector of humankind, Thursday is a good day for a protection spell. Thor is the god of thunder, so why not use thunderous sound to clear your home? Sound waves help to rearrange and change latent energy patterns. The vacuum cleaner is perfect for this, loud and disruptive. It can break up energy and then suck it up and easily dispel it. It will also help with physical cleaning, removing dirt and dust.

The word widdershins comes from the Old High German widar, meaning "back" or "against," and sinnen, meaning "to travel." Move counterclockwise (widdershins) from room to room and within rooms as much as possible, quickly disturbing, transforming, removing, and dispelling stagnant energy. As you clutch the vacuum, envision Thor wielding his hammer. Channel his strength and protection and let his rumbling thunder chase away negative energy, worry, or fear. Empty the vacuum outdoors when you're finished.
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