Eagle Spirit Bag for Courage

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Juniper
February is a great time to pack up the family and go birding. In my neck of the country, eagles can be seen dotting the nearby rivers and tributaries, feasting on spawning salmon. The eagle is a powerful symbol for courage, so why not bag up some of that eagle spirit power for a little spiritual pluck? You will need:

* A drawstring bag
* 1 to 2 eagle's claw seed pods (Uncaria rhynchophylla)
* A pinch of dried chili pepper
* A bloodstone

Put all of your ingredients in the drawstring bag. Hold the bag in your hands and focus on the eagle's inherent energies. Imagine yourself set free from insecurities and doubt. You are powerful and courageous. You can endure anything. Now say:

"Eagle spirit, as my guiding power,
Set me free from anxiety's bower.
Lend me courage three times three,
As the spirit wills it, so mote it be!"

Carry your eagle spirit bag with you as needed for extra courage.
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About Monica Crosson
Monica Crosson (Concrete, Washington) is a Master Gardener who has taught gardening through her local Washington State University’s extension office for more than twenty-five years. She has been a practicing Witch and educator for over thirty years and is a member of Evergreen Coven. ...
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