POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cat, Prayer, AND MORE

A Water Blessing

Color of the day:  Blue
Incense of the day:  Ivy
According to the Eastern Orthodox Church, today is considered the day when Christ was baptized. In some areas, crosses are placed in the sea, then divers dive down to find them and return them to dry land. Prayers are also said to bless sailors. In ancient Egypt, Pagans used this day to give thanks to the Nile.

Today is a good day to use water to bless your altar and ritual tools. Pour some bottled spring water into a clear glass bowl. Stir it three times with your hand. Dip any magical tools you wish to bless into the water, then sprinkle some on your altar too. As you do your blessing, say:

"Water, water, clear and pure,
Let the cleansing protection
you give these tools endure."

Save the water and use it for other purification or blessing rituals.
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