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A Holiday Peace Spell

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Clove
As you socialize and entertain this holiday season, some of the friends and family you'll mingle with won't share your spiritual beliefs. Many Pagans face this situation every December. Before you entertain, fill your home with positive vibrations by using this spell.

Dress a lavender-scented candle with olive oil. Light it and carry it throughout your home as you say:

"Peace and tolerance dwell here.
All are welcome here.
I welcome every guest.
All will be treated with respect."

Hang mistletoe wherever you can. It's not only seasonal, but also a great purifying herb. If you have a fireplace, burn some mistletoe with the wood to banish all negativity. To keep things calm, try to avoid using red candles, and instead go with green and gold. Those colors keep things grounded. If someone is irritating, think of this spell. Who knows, you may even be polite to your nosy Aunt Edith!
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