POSTED UNDER Friends, Home

Pinky Promise

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Bay Laurel
How does it happen that we get too busy to keep in touch with our friends? Even though Facebook and other social media are handy, it's that personal, face-to-face friendship that we need to maintain. If you have a friendship or relationship that you want to cherish forever, even though you and/or your friend may someday move on to new homes or new parts of your lives, you can make a pinky promise now and hold it in your memory.

Go with your friend to a place that's special to the two of you, preferably one that's private and quiet. Talk about how valuable your friendship is. Then speak this declaration (or make up your own words):

"Even when we're far apart, I will
always cherish our friendship."

To seal your promise, link the pinky fingers of your projective hands (right if you're right-handed) and seal the link by shaking but not breaking the pinky link three times. Then hug your friend. Keep your pinky promise by keeping in touch.
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