Dictionary Day

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Neroli
In the past, almost every household, and certainly every classroom, had a dictionary. We have Noah Webster, whose birthday we celebrate today, to thank for that. But Webster was so much more than just the creator of the dictionary. He was instrumental in forming an original and improved system of learning, most of which is still in use. Spellcheck may help us with the letters of words, but a dictionary helps with the meanings.

I am happy to say that my library still houses one of those ubiquitous oversized red books. Should you have a dictionary in your personal library (and I hope you do), take some time today to become reacquainted with it.

"Words have power.
Every book holds the magick of words.
A dictionary is the key, the map,
To better understanding of our world
of letters.
Let us never take that for granted."
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