POSTED UNDER Air, Spring, Success

Maintaining Our Project Garden

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
The seeds of projects we planted in the spring have become tall plants (see May 9 and June 25). There are some that may have grown out of control and need a little maintenance, while others may not have taken. There also may be too many projects. Time to use air energy so performing projects can breathe.

If any of your projects are out of control, trim them back. Make them more focused. Trim to only that which directly supports your goals.

Other projects may not be doing so well. These are sickly projects. Or you may have too many projects. These are all weeds. They need to be removed. Put these projects to the side for another time. Air wisdom will help you choose what will perform best to support your goals.

Keep focused on final results. Allow the successful projects to breathe. Check the projects regularly and do what is needed to bring them to fruition.
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