POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Family, AND MORE

A House Blessing

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
The harvest season has begun, so this spell is a good way to bless your home and family. By performing this spell, you'll show your gratitude, which will draw more abundance to you. You'll need to prepare one cornbread in a square pan. A boxed cornbread mix is very acceptable. When the cornbread is done, bless the bread by making the shape of a pentagram or cross over it with your hand. Then cut it into squares, one for each family member, from oldest to youngest. Also, set aside one piece for your home. Let this piece sit out overnight. The next day, crumble this piece of cornbread outside at each corner of your home. As you do so, thank Mother Earth for blessing your home and family with her bounty.
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