Head and Heart

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lilac
The two great luminaries come together when the sun is in the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. The sun represents spirit, rational intellect, self-image, willpower, and action. The moon represents joy and the transrational elements of soul, heart, feelings, and subjectivity. Use a visualization to link thinking and feeling, objectivity and subjectivity, rational and transrational. When we use these pairs together, we bring the two great luminaries, sun and moon, into relationship, and together they create life-affirming brilliance.

Sit quietly with eyes closed. Envision the sun above your head. Inhale brilliance, drawing it into your skull, brain, and spinal cord and down into the nerves of your body. Picture the moon floating over your heart. Exhale, sending lunar illumination out from the heart to the blood, pulsing throughout your body with every heartbeat. Sun and moon. Head and heart. Illuminated.
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