The Dressing of the Altar

Color of the day:  Green
Incense of the day:  Clove
Periodically you should do a blessing for your altar. Take everything off it. Wash it carefully with glass cleaner and/or furniture polish, depending on the material. Wait for it to dry.

Add a light coat of magical "dressing" oil. You can buy this in many styles at a Pagan supply shop. If you want to make your own, a good carrier oil is almond oil, scented with a little oil of frankincense, benzoin, sandalwood, and myrrh. As you rub in the oil, say:

"Sweet oil, bless this altar with power and keep it pure."

Give the oil time to soak in.

Cover your altar with an altar cloth. Ideally you should have ones to match the seasons, different deities or themes, etc. One good trick is to have a reversible God/Goddess cloth. Cover the altar and say:

"Sacred cloth, shield this place from all negativity."

Return your altar tools to their places.
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