POSTED UNDER Beltane, Moon, Water

Sabbat Moon Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
Many Witches and Pagans will celebrate the great feasts at the full moon nearest the calendar date. Here is a sabbat moon spell for that reason.

Beltane, the closest festival, is a fire feast, so either make a fire in your fireplace, if you have one, or light several candles in a fireproof container. If you are able to be outside, make a bonfire. Be sure to have a bucket of water or fire extinguisher nearby just in case. This spell is to call for sabbat magic to empower any spells you might be working on.

You will need a dark stone to act as a storehouse for the sabbat power. Dance around the fire and enter a trance state. Call power from the fire and the sabbat. When you reach the peak, release the power into the stone. It will hold this until you wish to transfer it into your spells.
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Gede Parma (Fio Aengus) is a Balinese-Australian witch, international teacher, magical mentor, author, and initiate. Gede (they/them pronouns) cherishes the initiatory mysteries of four powerful witchcraft traditions, and is a co-founder of the Coven of the Wildwood and midwife and initiate of ...
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