POSTED UNDER Air, Cat, Winter

Meditation for March

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Neroli
The quiet days of winter are the perfect time to do magic that relies more on focus and inner reflection than on complicated ritual. Pick a morning or an evening when you can find a few minutes to be by yourself without interruption. Midnight is great, if you are up that late.

Sit down comfortably on a chair or cushion and light a white candle. Stare at the candle for a while, breathing slowly. Feel a sense of calm cover you like a warm blanket. If you have a question you need answered, ask it, and then wait to see if something comes to you. Otherwise, just be open to any messages the universe might have for you. Allow yourself to be silent so that you might hear your inner voice.
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Deborah Blake is the author of seventeen books on modern Witchcraft, including The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, The Little Book of Cat Magic, and Llewellyn's Little Book of Spellcraft, as well as the acclaimed Everyday Witch Tarot, Everyday Witch Oracle, and Everyday Witch’s Familiars ...
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