POSTED UNDER Rain, Water, Winter

Releasing Fear

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Vanilla
Winter is a great time for introspective magickal workings. It is a time to really assess whether our thoughts and feelings are in alignment. In order to grow as individuals, we need to release any fears that may be hindering us. In order to do this, you will want to be in a comfortably warm room so you can sit on the floor or stretch out. Have a small bowl or chalice with water in it nearby. The room should be quiet, and the lights should be dimmed. Feel your heart beat, and become aware of your own breath.

Ask yourself what you fear. Is it conducive to continuing on your spiritual path? Is it a burden to continually worry about this fear? Name your fear as you cup the bowl or chalice between your hands. Let your fear wash out of you and into the water. Continue to do this until all of your fears have been named. Once you are ready, set the cup aside, and breathe again and find your heart's rhythm. When you are settled, you can get up and pour the water down your drain. Watch as your fears go along with it.
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